Department of Public Works
The Department of Public Works takes care of the Streets, Parks, Snow and Ice Removal, Garbage Collection and Water and Sewer Utilities.
Normal Business Hours are 7:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. and 12:30 P.M. – 3:30 P.M.
- Director of Public Works – Dan Conradt
- Water Operator/Weed Commissioner – Dan Nabbefeld
- Public Works Dept.–Jesse Smith
Garbage pickup is on Monday’s (except holidays) …. please have garbage on curb by 6:30 a.m., but no earlier than 7:00 p.m. the evening before as per Village Ordinance.
Water/Sewer Bills
The water/sewer bills are billed quarterly.
The meters are read on: March 20, June 20, September 20 and December 20
- Current rates for 2021: $4.92 per thousand gallons used for water
- $12.04 per thousand gallons used for sewer
- $67.01 service charge per quarter
Please pay the water/sewer bills at the Village Hall between the hours of 7am-4pm Mon-Thurs. & 7am-1pm Fri. There is a drop box for your convenience also. Or mail payments to PO Box 96, Shiocton WI 54170
If you cannot pay the entire amount due, please stop at the Village Hall AS SOON AS YOU GET YOUR BILL and make a Deferred Payment Agreement PLEASE DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE BILL IS PAST DUE. The bill amount can be split into payments BUT must be paid in full by the next water/sewer meter reading.
Water can be shut off for non payment in the winter months!
Garbage Fees & Rules
The Village uses a garbage truck with an automatic arm and each resident has been provided with a garbage cart. The garbage carts must be placed on the curb no earlier than 7pm Sunday and must be taken off the curb within 24 hours of pickup. Carts cannot be overflowing, the lid must be closed. The carts are property of the Village and stay with the property.
The Village no longer has dumpsters but will still accept appliances and large items with a sticker purchased from the Village Hall.
occasional overflow options: see if a neighbor has room for your extra garbage in their cart, hold on to it until the next pick up date or purchase overflow stickers.
This service is for VILLAGE RESIDENTS ONLY! You can not bring in other peoples garbage to dispose of for them!
- overflow bags of garbage under 50 pounds $5 ea
- Large item stickers……..….$15/each bulk items can not exceed 4′ in length and weighing less than 75 pounds
- Non freon appliances………$15/each
- Fridge/AC/Freon…………..$15/each
- Electronics…………………..$15-$25
- Tv’s 31″ or smaller $30 ea
Yard Waste/Leaves
Leaves and yard waste can be dropped off at the treatment plant located on West St.
you must call first to make sure the gate is open!!!
Go thru the gate and the pile is on the right side, you can’t miss it!
This convenience is for VILLAGE RESIDENTS ONLY! we will not accept yard waste from residents outside the Village limits.
In September of 2010 Outagamie County started charging to dispose of electronics.
Electronics can be taken to the landfill in Appleton for a small fee:
Because we understand you may not have the means to take your electronics to Appleton, the Village will take them there for you but we charge the same plus a little extra. You must get a recycling sticker to place on your item (available at the Clerk’s office)
Items can be taken to:
- Your curb on garbage day
- The Village Hall
- The treatment plant
- (You must inform the Village you will be dropping off)
Consumer Confidence Report is available on the main page